On 06/04/2012 07:44 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Mon, 04 Jun 2012 19:37:07 -0400
> Gerry Reno <gr...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> Burned another DVD and booting it got some other errors (rpcbind?)
>>> but it runs the installer at least.
>>> I'm doing custom partitioning and I selected to encrypt the LVM
>>> physical volume (LUKS) but now it is also asking about encrypting
>>> the filesystem for logical volume.
>>> Do I need both of these?
>> And another problem.  You cannot edit the Volume Group name field.  I
>> need several Volume Groups but now I have no way to do this since
>> there's no way to make them unique.  :-(
> The install guide might be of help... 
> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/17/html-single/Installation_Guide/index.html#encrypt-x86
> And this is really the sort of question best suited to the users list: 
> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> not the devel list. ;) 
> kevin

Hey Kevin, I've been custom partitioning Fedora installs since the beginning of 

Look back several years and you'll find still unaddressed installation bugs for 
anaconda/preupgrade.  For example /boot
on RAID.

And things in F17 installer are not exactly as described on the guide.

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