On Thu, 2012-06-07 at 15:16 -0500, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com> said:
> > If there are ARM machines where UEFI and Secure Boot are available,
> > we're going to have tools to do your own trust database management
> > anyway, so why would supporting them be any different from doing the
> > same on x86?
> For Windows 8 certification on ARM, Microsoft is going to require UEFI
> with Secure Boot enabled _and_ no method for users to disable Secure
> Boot or enroll their own keys (the opposite of x86 where they require a
> disable method and custom key enrollment support).

And?  I wasn't speaking to "we should sign our arm images with
Microsoft's key", I was speaking to "we should support Secure Boot on
arm".  If someone wants to build an arm machine with SB support capable
of running non-Windows operating systems, why would we not want to run
there, and why would enabling that look any different from self-signing
an x86 machine?

- ajax

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