My name is Samuel Sieb. I live near Vancouver, Canada. I'm on IRC on moznet and freenode with the nick "ssieb". I started programming around the time I started high school, beginning with Assembler on an Apple II and working up to higher level languages after that. :-) I've been using RedHat/Fedora since RH5.1 and love the freedom and openness of Linux and the community around it. I'm married and we have four boys, so my available time is somewhat limited which has kept me from getting as involved as I would like.

I'm also one of the developers of the ChatZilla IRC client and as the current maintainer of the package does not have time to keep it updated, I would like to co-maintain it. However, he is not able to sponsor me and after reading the wiki pages, I'm still not sure what the process would be for me to get involved in this case. I'm familiar with building RPMs as I have done it many times for creating and testing patches in various packages, but I haven't directly used the Fedora build system. The documentations appears to be clear and useful though. I have a FAS account and SSH key setup. I would appreciate if someone would let me know what the next step should be or if there is any other information you would like me to provide.
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