Here is an updated list:

Package boolstuff (orphan)
Package cmucl (orphan)
        comaintained by: green
Package globalplatform (orphan)
Package gpshell (orphan)
Package gtkmm-utils (orphan)
Package hamster-applet (orphan)
Package hartke-aurulent-sans-fonts (orphan)
Package json (orphan)
Package k12linux-quick-start-guide (orphan)
Package krecipes (orphan)
Package libsoup22 (orphan)
Package luakit (orphan)
Package man-pages-it (orphan)
Package mingw-libp11 (orphan)
        comaintained by: rjones
Package mingw-opensc (orphan)
        comaintained by: rjones
Package nzbget (orphan)
Package perl-Nagios-Plugin-Beanstalk (orphan)
Package pfqueue (orphan)
Package polyester (orphan)
Package polyester3 (orphan)
Package python-chm (orphan)
Package rubygem-archivist (orphan)
        comaintained by: vondruch jzigmund
Package typepad-motion (orphan)
Package upstart (orphan)

List of deps left behind by packages which are orphaned or fail to build:

Removing: libsoup22
    libopensync-plugin-syncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15
    libsyncml requires
    libsyncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15

Removing: python-chm
    archmage requires python-chm = 0.8.4-12.fc18
    chm2pdf requires python-chm = 0.8.4-12.fc18

Removing: upstart
    clamav-milter-upstart requires /sbin/initctl
    clamav-scanner-upstart requires /sbin/initctl
    dhcp-forwarder-upstart requires /sbin/initctl
    ip-sentinel-upstart requires /sbin/initctl
    milter-greylist-upstart requires /sbin/initctl
    tor-upstart requires /sbin/initctl
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