Kevin Fenzi ( said: 
> So, I was going to draft up a policy for this, but then I recalled that
> we already fixed the display-manager case (whichever one is installed
> last is run). 
> For regular spins then, I am not sure what things they would want to
> change in presets. Any thoughts on something they would change?
> In which case, I say we should just pick some reasonably low number for
> cloud to use and leave it at that. All the cloud preset is going to do
> is enable cloud-init right? Or are there other things? If we don't want
> this preset to happen to get installed on non cloud things, you could
> just do it in the kickstart of the cloud image. 
> Other cases of presets are things that users could do in their image
> kickstart files... so nothing we need to do. 
> 17-cloud.preset 
> (I like 17, it's a lucky number). 
> Thoughts? 

I suppose 'it depends'. A server might have different presets than a
desktop - it may want apache on by default, or a DB server config that
enables mysql/postgres.

Similarly, there's nothing to say in the future that the KDE and GNOME spins
might have different presets aside from display managers.

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