Am 30.10.2012 02:08, schrieb Adam Williamson:
>> don't get me wrong but where is subtlety necessary here?
>> * mysql-libs is a widely used and linked library
>> * postfix/sendmail/exim is a binary with alternative symlinks
>> different worlds
>> different implications
> You're entirely missing the point.
> I suggested a *packaging mechanism* that we use in another situation.
> Not a policy. The mechanism of having 'virtual provides' which multiple
> packages can each satisfy is proven to be an effective way of coping
> with a situation where multiple packages can provide a given function. I
> suggested that it could be used _if_ this case matches that description.
> Just because I mentioned sendmail and I mentioned mysql does not mean I
> am 'comparing' them

sorry, but you missed my point

there is *no* mechanism out there for dynmic linked libraries
replaced with any other binary incomplatible format like
alternatives, the application linked against a specific version
will simply crash

for get the word 'compare'

it is not possible and if it would there would be no reason
for mass-rebuilds after update to new so-versions of libs

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