On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Simon Wesp
<cassmod...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Sven Lankes <s...@lank.es> wrote:
> SL> Fife is already in Fedora!
> Am Sonntag, 28 Oktober 2012 14:29:23 schrieb Renich Bon Ciric:
> RBC> Yeah, not the latest... check the versions of my spec vs current
> RBC> one.
> Who cares about your package on your fedora share? I mean, it doesn't
> make sense to create your own package, because there is still a
> package on fedora which needs some 'love'.
> Maybe it's a better strategy to include python-enet, become a
> maintainer for fife and update it to newest version and adapt it to be
> compatible with UH. Then you can inculde UH to fedora... and badaboom..
> UH will be avaible (with all deps, of course) for all fedora users. This
> should be the goal of your packaging, this is why we are all here, this
> is the sense of this community. And after this, you will be the hero of
> all UH-gamers on fedora! Be honest, you want to be a hero! :-)
> User: renich, Name: Renich Bon Ciric, email: ren...@woralelandia.com
> Approved Groups: cla_done ambassadors packager fedorabugs cla_fpca
> You are a packager, you _can_ do it. You know the nike slogan?
> Just do it!

LOL; yeah, I can do it, I know. In fact, I packaged my own just to
offer some help to the actual maintainer. He/She might not need it
anyway. If there is no maintainer, I can do it, I think.

It's hard to be free... but I love to struggle. Love isn't asked for;
it's just given. Respect isn't asked for; it's earned!
Renich Bon Ciric

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