On Thu, Nov 01, 2012 at 07:41:21PM +0100, drago01 wrote:
> > I think "Leaf" is better than "Self contained", since it's unlikely for the
> > feature to have zero outside dependencies. I think it'd be fine for such a
> > feature to rely on small changes to existing packages (version updates,
> > say).
> I'd argue that this isn't a "feature" ... otherwise we could advertise
> every version upgrade as feature.
> If it does not affect a large amount of users it is simply a version
> upgrade not a "fedora feature".

Sorry, I wasn't clear. It may be that some set of new functionality requires
small version upgrades. The feature is the new functionality, not the
version upgrades.

An example: I want to propose Scratch, the educational programming language,
as a feature for F19. It's not big, but it's popular and there's a new book,
generating public interest so it'd be nice for it to be included in the
process. Scratch itself is a new package. But it requires an update to
Squeak VM in order to work properly. This is incidental to the feature
itself -- so it'd be weird to classify this as an update to existing
functionality -- but the feature isn't "self contained".

That said, a significant version upgrade to something _should_ be able to be
a feature in itself.

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
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