Le 01/11/2012 18:25, Jason L Tibbitts III a écrit :
> It would have been super nice to actually include a link in all of those
> bugs, or some reference.  I mean, they must have been filed by program,
> so it's not as if you would have had to do a bunch of extra typing.

No, nothing automatic here.

I have analyzed all the /etc/httpd/config.d/*conf from the spec file,
the RPM sources or the upstream sources.

When I detect possible breakage I have open a bug manually.

Remember, this issue was raised in March/April... [1]

Yes probably, I could have do it in a better way...
(and probably earlier)

> We really need a "mass bug filing howto" or something.  Preferably
> starting with "Don't."

You're right, I should have avoid this mass bug filing.

But sorry, I just try to make Fedora better, and I think that ~60 broken
web apps is not good for our image.

Ok, next time, I will think twice before doing this, and prefer use my
time on "my" packages, and only mine.


[1] http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2012-March/165058.html
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