Panu Matilainen wrote:
> Reverting mini-debuginfo would require a mass-rebuild which is hardly
> going to happen at this point of F18 no matter what you think of the
> feature.

I've seen mass rebuilds rushed through in less time than what we have from 
now until the current F18 release target date. And it's the most effective 
way to hit the target size of the DVD.

I really don't understand the cavalier approach to bloat around here. A 
feature which increases the size of the whole distro should NOT be approved, 
period. We need to get the live images back to CD size and treat every 
feature which endangers that as a showstopper. Hardware resources are not 
infinite, we cannot afford wasting them in this way.

FWIW, I also think we need to reopen the discussion of building Fedora with 
-Os rather than -O2.

Size matters,
        Kevin Kofler

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