On Sun, 2012-12-09 at 10:49 -0800, John Reiser wrote:
> On 12/09/2012 10:06 AM, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> > Actually, grubby in Fedora is still perfectly capable of updating the
> > old grub.conf.  To set this up, create a symlink:
> > 
> >   # ln -s /boot/grub/grub.conf /etc
> > 
> > And create /etc/sysconfig/kernel:
> > 
> >   # UPDATEDEFAULT specifies if new-kernel-pkg should make
> >   # new kernels the default
> > 
> >   # DEFAULTKERNEL specifies the default kernel package type
> >   DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel
> > 
> > Easy peasy
> No, it's not "easy peasy".  It's arguably incorrect on i686
> with more than 3GB of RAM, where DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-PAE
> probably should be used.  In any case it's incomplete
> because it omits important documentation of this choice.
> A comment should indicate which piece(s) look at the file:
>   # This file is consulted by /usr/sbin/new-kernel-pkg
>   # as part of installing a new Linux kernel.
> Also, the "ln -s" could be improved:
>   # (cd /etc; ln -s ../boot/grub/grub.conf grub.conf)
> The path should be relative, and naming the last component
> redundantly as the last argument makes it clear that a new
> path /etc/grub.conf resolves to ../boot/grub.grub.conf.
> -- 

Ok, guys, 
        Here is the story.  The command in the grub manual is wrong.  You need
to use "# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg"

Editing /etc/default/grub to set the default screensize works.  The
second line with the wonderful uuid in it is waaayyy too long, but I can
at least read the stuff I need to and the wait now works.

I opened a terminal entered superuser and entered:
vi /etc/default/grub

entered insert mode with "i", then edited the GRUB_TIMEOUT line to be:

and added at the end:

Then I :wq from vi, and  backed up /boot/grub2/grug.cfg using:
cp /boot/grub2/grub.cfg /boot/grub2/grub.cfg.bak

And then ran:
# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg"

Next I rebooted:
# reboot

When it came up things were as expected.  The problem was the reference
to grub-mkconfig and the file to output, along with some other error I
made on the first entry.

Hope this helps someone else, and could someone please change the grub2
manual?  The info is right in this message.

Thanks for all your help,
Les H

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