Question: Does this affect mock builds on koji ?


2012/12/21 Kevin Fenzi <>:
> Just a heads up to everyone using f18 right now:
> with fedora-release-18-1 that just pushed out to updates-testing
> yesterday, the updates-testing repo is now by default disabled.
> This means you may well see some issues trying to install new
> packages/groups because you have NEWER packages from updates-testing
> installed, but that repo is no longer enabled.
> You can:
> 1) re-enable updates-testing and help test packages further.
> or
> 2) run a 'yum distro-sync' to sync with the stable repos. This should
> get you back on track with no updates-testing packages installed.
> Just a heads up if you see odd dep issues. ;)
> kevin
> --
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