Hi, the GitHub rule is not working, if the name of the package isn't the same as the name of the repository on GitHub.

%setup -qn %{name}-%{commit}

Should be

%setup -qn $PROJECT-%{commit}


Dne 9.1.2013 20:37, Tom Callaway napsal(a):
Some changes to the Fedora Packaging Guidelines have been made:


If a package is exempt from multilib, it may use %{_prefix}/lib instead
of %{_libdir}. Packages that contain architecture specific files that
would ordinarily be installed into %{_libexecdir} are always considered
ineligible for multilib. However, you should be sure that the
(sub)package that they are in does not have other content that would be
considered eligible for multilib. If this is not the case for the files
you wish to do this in for your package or you are just unsure, ask
FESCo for an explicit multilib exemption.


Please note that FESCo granted an explicit exemption for systemd (and
any packages with systemd unit files) to use %{_prefix}/lib/systemd.
The core systemd packages were also given permission to be excluded from


The section of the Guidelines covering how to handle Troublesome URLs in
SourceURL fields has been amended:


Additionally, a new section has been added to cover how to handle GitHub
source files:



The Java packaging guidelines were updated for the following changes:

* No longer require 2+ jars to be in subdirectory (there was no
technical need)
* Add standardization for compatibility packages
* Remove no longer needed parts about Maven 2
* Improve add_maven_depmap documentation
* Add suggestions for pom_ macros instead of patching
* installation/use of J2EE APIs standardization (initial version)
* JNI guidelines simplification & examples



These guideline changes were approved by the Fedora Packaging
Committee (FPC).

Many thanks to leamas, Stanislav Ochotnicky (and the Java SIG), Kamil
Páral, and all of the members of the FPC, for assisting in drafting,
refining, and passing these guidelines.

As a reminder: The Fedora Packaging Guidelines are living documents! If
you find something missing, incorrect, or in need of revision, you can
suggest a draft change. The procedure for this is documented here:



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