On 23 January 2013 17:20, drago01 <drag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Actually WHQL simply cannot be done by Fedora even if we wanted to.
> > It's an MSFT test programme that costs money, plus MSFT refuse to do
> > it for GPL drivers.
> If that is the case then GPL is a poor license choice in that case
> (unless it links to GPL libraries and thus have no choice).

I don't recall seeing any GPL reference to the drivers. In the RHEL
virtio-win iso there's a text file with a Redhat License and a notice that
you can buy the source code for $10; in the Fedora one there's one which is
almost the same.

I think this is a good workaround to make the source available but still
certify the drivers.

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