On Thu, 2013-01-24 at 18:11 +0100, Alec Leamas wrote:
> On 2013-01-24 17:44, David Malcolm wrote:
> > Michael Hrivnak and I spent some time at FUDcon Lawrence looking at
> > static code analysis.
> >
> > We hacked on the proposed common format for analysis tools (aka
> > "firehose").
> >
> [cut]
> > The plan is that the interchange format can be uploaded into a web
> > UI/database, so that we can:
> > * scan the entire distro
> > * compare warnings: e.g. what new warnings appear in a package rebuild?
> > * have a consistent interface for marking warnings as false positives
> > * come up with some subset of the warnings that we care about
> > * etc
> >
> [cut]
> Probably off-topic, but just my 5c...  There are similar checks done by 
> fedora.-review, basically running spec conformance tests that doesn't 
> require a complete build  (performance reasons), boiling down to a list 
> of warnings. These are not directly tied to specific code, only the spec 
> file and never a specific line.  Still, the thought of of getting this 
> in the overall status for a package comes into my mind when I read this.

That occurred to me as well.  It would probably be possible to run
rpmlint during "mock-with-analysis" and capture the results.

I've been trying to focus on *source code* warnings to avoid scope
creep, but this does seem highly relevant to Fedora, so presumably the
scope could be widened to include warnings about the specfile, and about
artefacts that end in the package payload, and the package metadata.

> To let fedora-review output some XML instead of current text-based 
> report. would be simple. But is there any value in it?  See the package 
> guideline violations that can be detected automatically in the same 
> database and web GUI?! Enclose not just source files but also overall 
> package analyze output (rpmlint comes to my mind)?
> Perhaps...

Great idea.  Is it fully automated?  That's what we'd need in order to
sanely run it within "mock-with-analysis"


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