> From: Jaroslav Reznik <jrez...@redhat.com>
> = Features/NewFirstboot =
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/NewFirstboot

Please consider in the development of this to provide a simple means to 
bypass this as easily as is currently possible with firstboot.  Our use 
case rarely involves making a custom kickstart (where we could exclude 
this), but we do use the standard install image either in Mimimal mode or 
with a user's preferred DE and then we have puppet (or ansible or the 
like) do the rest, including authentication set up, etc.  I only mention 
this because in a Fedora of long ago, firstboot insisted on creating a 
local user and it was obnoxious to have to boot into single user mode 
first just so that firstboot could be removed, puppet installed and the 
rest of the set up be automated as desired.

Firstboot is great for those who need it, but please remember that not all 
need it.

John Florian
devel mailing list

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