On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Debarshi Ray <rishi...@lostca.se> wrote:
> For starters:
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/669

Uhm that ticket is specifically about a feature proposal to include
something as a default installed tech.

We are not talking about AOO as a default installed package.  You are
conflating issues. Which is exactly what I politely asked that you
avoid. Maybe if I say pretty please. Pretty please, don't mix up
discussion about defaults with mere existence.

zif and smart and dpkg as installable software are well within line
for the repository collection. The mere existence of these as packaged
technologies in our software repository is not a problem as user
installable payloads.

If this were a proposal to make AOO a default installed package for
any official spin or install target for any pre-composed media image
we provide as a project...I'll be right there with you shaking my fist
and pressing the case for LO as the one and true default for situation
which requires an office suite to be installed. But we aren't talking
about that, so my i'm keeping my ire holstered.

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