On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 11:21:49PM +0100, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> I stand by my statement that this was a very awkward moment, with Vincent
> and the GNOME team radiating unhappiness and pretty much everyone else
> being perplexed and wondering whether they should take offence at being
> accused of being mad or if it was some weird form of apology. Certainly
> not the kind of celebration being portrayed here.
> As for the vocifering, I'll leave that to others.

Radiating unhappiness? As you're talking about me I will reply briefly:
bullshit. I would appreciate that you stop suggesting this about my and
my friends, thanks.

Note that and I think most other didn't know the contents of the talk
that Vincent would give.

Did you actually attend the presentation? It really seems you did not.

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