On Wed, 13.02.13 19:13, Matthew Miller (mat...@fedoraproject.org) wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:34:35AM +0100, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > It is an (accepted) feature:
> > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ckremoval
> Huh. That (Fedora 17 feature) says 100% complete. 
> > I am just looking to do the final step, to kill the beast entirely.
> So, 110%. :)
> Mind you, I have no attachment to ConsoleKit. I'd just like to see changes
> with the potential for end-user impact go through some low-barrier form of
> change management. I don't know if this reasonably rises to that level or
> not; my origial question was (and remains) serious, not rhetorical.
> In reading the F17 feature and the associated discussion page, it looks like
> the actual final state of that was that the multi-seat portion was
> implemented but the "ckremoval" portion wasn't completed, and that there was
> no particular effort around non-Gnome desktops except documentation. So,
> it's that last bit you're completing now, as I understand it.

Well, the goal of the feature was just getting it out of the default
install, and that we completed. Now I am building on that and want to
remove it entirely. This is then more than one year after we implemented
the original feature. I think that should be enough time for the
packagers to wake up under their rocks...

> I notice that there's a lot of documentation at user forums around using
> ck-launch-session in ~/.xinitrc. We should probably at least release-notes
> that.

Well, sure, if that's what it takes...


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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