On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 11:19 PM, Ralf Corsepius <rc040...@freenet.de> wrote:
> When talking to Ubuntu users, they are telling Unity is as biasing as
> Gnome3.

Aside from the visual arrangement of things, I haven't seen *major*
differences between the GNOME 3 and the Unity user interfaces. It's
not all that hard for me to mentally switch from my preferred GNOME 3
on Fedora 18 to a Quantal Quetzal default Unity desktop on a virtual
machine. Right-click on an icon to remove it from the list, etc. But
it's essentially the exact same total mindshift in going from a GNOME
2 menu at the top like older Fedora and Ubuntu to either a GNOME 3 or
a Unity desktop. It's *huge* but not insurmountable. The Unity
"compiz" crashes, on the other hand, are a show-stopper. ;-)

> AFAICT, most dissatisfied Ubuntu/Unity users quit Ubuntu for Linux MiNT.

Well, there are actually *two* Linux Mint desktops, Cinnamon and MATE.
They also make a KDE and XFCE version, but I haven't played with those
at all. I must admit I don't know the community structures / resource
allocations among the three projects - Linux Mint, Cinnamon and MATE.

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