On 20/02/13 09:40, Jiri Moskovcak wrote:
> One thing we're struggling with now is the normalization of stacktraces 
> which means deciding which functions are important and which are not. 
> e.g. for kernel there are stacktraces with a lot of warn_* functions and 
> only a few functions are different and our logic detects this as a 
> duplicate because the stacktraces are very similar. We're dealing with 
> this problem, but it's very slow process because to make such decision 
> you need to know the specific program and we would appreciate any help 
> with this matter.

that reminds me; we have had a similar problem with ABRT and
LibreOffice, if an in-process JVM is loaded. see for example:


when the in-process JVM is active and some SEGV occurs, the JVM has its
own handler to handle it (even though usually it's a crash in LO's C++
code) and that leads to ~10 identical JVM stack frames on the top,
regardless of the actual cause of the crash, and those are of course
easily wrongly detected as duplicates.

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