> Hi,
> since we opened the question of the most buggy applications I would
> like
> to introduce you the Fedora crash statistics generated from ABRT
> reports. It actually doesn't show the most buggy applications, but
> the
> number of crashes per application encountered by users in some period
> of
> time:
> https://retrace.fedoraproject.org/faf/problems/hot/
> The goal of this project is to help developers to prioritize their
> work,
> so the most "popular" bugs gets the proper attention.
> --Jirka

As an example, this has 3000 counted crashes (just 1500 on the overview page, 
maybe a bug):
but the bugzilla itself has just 22 people CC'd.

Even worse for this one:
3000 counted crashes, but 11 people CC'd.

Are you going to let bugzilla maintainers know somehow? I would assume that 
once the crash count surpasses a certain threshold, you could add a comment to 
the bugzilla report:

"This has crashed for 100 users, see [FAF URL] for details."
"This has crashed for 1000 users, see [FAF URL] for details."
"This has crashed for 10000 users, see [FAF URL] for details."

Honestly, if you don't inform the bugzilla maintainers somehow, most of them 
will never learn of FAF.
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