On Mon, 11 Mar 2013 21:07:32 +0100
Lennart Poettering <mzerq...@0pointer.de> wrote:
> I don't think we should generate any message. Nothing at all. My BIOS
> doesn't print a single line, and neither does the kernel if "quiet" is
> used (which is the default). I really don't see why Plymouth or the
> boot loader should print any more -- unless a real problem happens,
> or the user explicitly asked for more, or the boot takes very long.
> Entering the boot loader is something that is a debugging feature, a
> tool for professionals. It shouldn't be too hard to expect from them
> to remember something as simple as maybe "press shift or Space or
> Esc" to get the boot menu or more verbose output. I mean, honestly,
> that's probably what most people would try automatically anyway if
> they want feedback from the machine.

I'm mostly concerned with making new professionals.

We have to make the secret information discoverable if we want people
to poke and prod around.

If the bioses and systems years ago had been opaque we wouldn't have
gotten this far.

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