> From: Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com>
> On Mar 12, 2013, at 12:19 PM, john.flor...@dart.biz wrote:
> > 
> > I personally could not care less about the defaults Fedora uses. 
> I've been overriding them for years. I'm just glad I was able to 
> learn these things before everything became hidden.
> Because, naturally, you don't explore, find, or learn anything 
> hidden.

No, I do find it, but at considerable expense sometimes which only 
decreases the value I find in any such system, Fedora or otherwise.

> >  Today's youth have none of the curiosity that I and my friends 
> had at their age and I blame it on this "you don't need to know how 
> it works" mentality that is infecting everything.
> Oh that's original. Your parents and grandparents never, ever said 
> anything like this.

They never said it to me.  They encouraged my exploration despite 
situations where I maybe I should have been held back, but I learned and 
yes sometimes the very hard way.  I see that way being replaced with fear, 
apprehension and avoidance; just be a consumer and stop trying to be a 
producer.  From my POV, it's a sad progression, but hey that's just me and 
my screwed up perspective.

> >  If you really want that Apple experience, why don't you just use 
> their goods? 
> I do. Curious, isn't it, how I managed to stumble into linux boot 
> loading, and file systems of all things, never having a single 
> chance of seeing such things? They weren't merely hidden from me. 
> They didn't even exist.

Well good for you, but why make it harder than it needs to be?

John Florian
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