Przemek Klosowski wrote:
> On 03/11/2013 05:03 PM, Björn Persson wrote:
> >> Your TV (which likely has embedded Linux)? Your car?
> >> Windows? OS X?  
> >
> > I don't have any of those, and I doubt I'll ever buy a car when I want
> > a general-purpose computer.  
> How do you know you don't have them?

Well, OK, I suppose there *might* be a forgotten TV that has fallen
down behind one of my bookshelves, but I really doubt it. I think I
would remember if I had ever owned a TV.

I do actually have a car-shaped money box, and it's true that it has
never prompted me for a boot menu, but that's because there's no
software in it, only bare metal.

Björn Persson

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