On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Frantisek Kluknavsky
<fkluk...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please correct me if I am wrong:
> Packagers do not have any real possibility to build and test packages on
> aarch64.

No they do not.

> Arm-koji is 32-bit arm.
> Packagers (some/many) do not even know their packages are supposed to work
> on aarch64.

This is the first phase to support aarch64

> I decided to believe the bug report and contacted upstream. It was a shame.
> Aarch64 already supported (and yes, newest upstream tarball in f19). To say
> it shortly and politely, upstream was not happy to discuss a non-issue with
> with someone unwilling to even try the feature he requests.

What was the package?

> Spare me such incidents. Pretty please.
> How much time passed between discovery and filing of these bugs?

A few days. We ultimately do have some false positives but they are
very few and far between.

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