On Tue, 2 Apr 2013 13:27:43 +0000 (UTC)
Petr Pisar <ppi...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 2013-03-29, seth vidal <skvi...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> >> 
> >> What's Architecture good for? To allow multilib. To install more
> >> instances of the same version. And yum ignores Architecture on
> >> purpose. But don't tell anybody that. Otherwise he could not claim
> >> we do not implement parallel installation.
> >
> > Yum ignores arch? Since when?
> >
> > Maybe you're using the word 'ignores' in a way I'm not familiar
> > with. 
> Yes, I used it a little metaphorically.

I don't think you're using 'metaphorically' correctly here.

Yum doesn't ignore arch and I think you should stop saying that, no
matter what sense of the word 'ignores' you think you're using.

> > > yum install foo.i386 does exactly what you think it does.
> >
> > yum install foo  installs the bestarch is can find for that pkgname.
> >
> That's exactly the goal. Yum _understands_ architecture. It allows you
> to install, upgrade, remove architecteruces independetly, yet it allow
> to substistute one with another one to meet dependencies.
> Misusing names does not allow all of that.

misusing? Is this, again, another metaphor? Please speak plainly. What
do you mean here? Where is the misuse?

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