On 04/10/2013 06:23 PM, John Reiser wrote:
I was running F18 on an old notebook ...

Question: which minimal memory size is recommended for F19?

For graphical desktop, the installer currently warns if less than 768MB.

Are these the installation memory requirements or the run-time requirements?

I am asking because running F18 seems perfectly possible on with 512MB, but running the installer wasn't.

Many users probably will be uncomfortable with less than 1GB.

Things you can try:  Append " cgroup_disable=memory " to the kernel boot
command line.  This saves somewhere around 1% (10MB out of 1GB), but every MB 

Append " selinux=0 " to the kernel boot command line.  This saved me 140MB
(difference in "grep MemFree /proc/meminfo" after booting to single user),
which is gigantic.  When I decided to restore SELinux, the next boot
took about 4 minutes to relabel all files.

Stop and disable unwanted services.  For example:
    systemctl stop sendmail.service
    systemctl disable sendmail.service

Disable /tmp on tmpfs?


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