
I have just submitted a request for rename of the package
community-mysql "back" to mysql-community:


See there for more details and rationale.

I'm sorry that this took somewhat longer than intended to get out, I
had some urgent tasks to attend do, such as getting the first
development release of MySQL 5.7 out the door and its source to
Launchpad. On the other hand. this also means we have already updated
the 5.6 package from the initial GA release 5.6.10 to 5.6.11.

Since I do not yet have a sponsor, I cannot upload to
fedorapeople.org. Also, Oracle does not have public web host usable
for ad-hoc uploads like this, so for the time being I have ulpoaded to
my private web page here:


Please excuse my ISP for thinking the file extension .rpm is music. :-)

I have also run a koji scratch build:


I've had some in-house expert help for preparing the new source RPM
and spec file, but I will be responsible for keeping the Fedora
packages up-to-date going forward. I have just ordered a laptop on
which I will install F18 for this purpose :-) . Development/testing is
also being done on a VM in our development lab running Rawhide.

About myself:

I waw at Sun since they acquired the small database startup I worked
for in 2002. When Sun acquired MySQL in 2008, I was working with
Release Engineering of PostgreSQL in Sun's own database group; I was
responsible for integrating PostgreSQL 8.3 into OpenSolaris.

After Sun scaled down its PostgreSQL efforts (I still build Solaris
binaries for the PG community when they have new releases), I worked
for a few years on maintaining the test framework that comes with
MySQL, before I moved back to doing Release Engineering.

Now I'm part of the MySQL RE team which is responsible for building
and releasing MySQL and other associated products on all the platforms
we deliver for, plus we run the large in-house automated build and
test farm in the lab in Trondheim, Norway where I'm also located.

It took a little time to get this (and myself) ready but future
updates should come much faster.


Bjorn Munch
MySQL Release Engineering
Trondheim, Norway
devel mailing list

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