On 05/10/2013 09:57 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
why have .so files of fedora-packages executeable permissions?
they are not executeable, see below the difference of my personal
builds with files from fedora packages (the original httpd and
php packages have also 755)

Historically rpm only generated automatic dependencies on files with executable bits, and for a long time the executable bit was the only way of controlling dependency generation on per-file level.

Over time various exceptions to the rule have gotten added, and in rpm >= 4.9.x this is simply a matter of generator configuration: note the "exeonly" flag in /usr/lib/rpm/fileattrs/elf.attr

Technically it could fairly easily be changed now that >= 4.9.x has other means of filtering dependencies on per-file level, but the traditional behavior was preserved in the name of compatibility, people tend to expect similar behavior across different rpm versions.

        - Panu -
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