On Mon, 2013-05-20 at 05:07 -0400, Martin Sivak wrote:

> It was actually intended to behave this way from the beginning. All
> the screens are shared with Anaconda (and all we have right now live
> as part of Anaconda source code).
> The hide/skip functionality is missing, but there is a proof of
> concept patch that hides all already configured screens from
> initial-setup
> (http://fedorapeople.org/cgit/msivak/public_git/anaconda.git/commit/?h=msivak&id=f679cafc5541b30b31bd5039004b6ccdcae3b54c).

> We do not have to, initial-setup is just an empty shell that can
> execute Anaconda screens (either core screens or plugins, but the API
> is Anaconda based).

Great. It's probably a bit late for Beta, but it would be awesome if we
could get it to behave as intended for final: hide unnecessary functions
and don't run unless needed (so in practice it'd only ever run to show
the user creation spoke). I guess that leaves the 'welcome / EULA'
question open - my preference would be just to ditch that at least for
non-OEM installs unless there's some kind of legal requirement for it (I
don't think there is)...
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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