Am 20.05.2013 22:27, schrieb Peter Robinson:
> You still have to configure it so doing a "yum install
> your-mta-of-choice" isn't hard and in fact in all environments I know
> of that have auto monitoring and alerting of drive failures configure
> it automatically as part of a kickstart or puppet deployment and use
> snmp rather than email to deal with that and have active alert
> systems

you refer to enterprise environments
i live in both, real enterprise and SOHO

>> if a disk dies it is nice to have it in syslog but
>> it is useless if you see it days later while a mail
>> from crond is more or less real time
> You still have to configure all of that and whether a MTA is installed
> automatically or not doesn't really make it work out of the box.

you have *ntohing* to configure
you only need to edit *one line* in /etc/aliases
everybody who knows unix-like systems knows this

>> until you watched the event in the syslog other
>> people have replaced the drive long ago, where i
>> work it takes 3-5 hours to get a spare drive
> Where I work the manufacturer ships a person with the new drive and
> they deal with it. It's a mute point though, auto alerting whether by
> mail or snmp needs other configuration of which a "yum install MTA" or
> adding of a MTA into a kickstart isn't exactly a hard task.

nobody needs kickstart on single machines in a SOHO environment

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