Fedora 19 is close (let's hope it's alive) to the release and it's 
again the time to start planning for the upcoming version.

For Fedora 20, in coordination with FESCo [1], the new Planning process
was developed to replace the old, not satisfactory Feature process. 
In reality, it's pretty similar to the exercise we did for the 
Fedora 19 - with announcements, less burden for FESCo (and now also
developers) for leaf, self contained changes and more time to 
coordinate system wide changes with impact to the rest of distribution
and schedule. To emphasize the aim on the cross team/distribution 
coordination (development, documentation and marketing), Features are 
now called Changes. 

For the full description, policies and how-tos (to submit a proposal),
see [2]. The new empty template is now available too, with detailed
instructions how to fill it in.

Again as we did for Fedora 19, final Fedora 20 schedule [3] will be 
based on the scope of submitted Change proposals. In the schedule, 
all milestones after the submission deadline are marked as "no earlier
than" and we are not committed to make these dates! But this gives
more information for non-development teams to plan Fedora 20 tasks.

===== IMPORTANT! =====
Change Proposals Submission Deadline is set to 2013-07-16.

Don't hesitate to ask any question or we'll be more than happy to
see more suggestions etc. For docs/marketing coordination more info
will come via appropriate channels.

PS1: Please, review your old Features that are in the Ready for Wrangler
category (mostly as result of postponing F19 ones to F20) if you still
plan to deliver them and let me know. I'll help you with transition
to the new Change Proposal template.

PS2: Flock talk/workshops are proposed for the new planning process, 
so we can follow up the FUDCon Lawrence discussion and also it
will be right after Change freeze and I hope we will have more 
feedback and experiences with changes we made. Blog post with more
details will follow soon.


[1] https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/896
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Policy
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/20/Schedule
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