On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 16:19:17 +0200, Martin Milata wrote:
> I noticed that the MiniDebugInfo files in Fedora 19
> (F18 too) have different ELF program header tables than the
> corresponding binaries and separate debuginfo files:

MiniDebugInfo files are symbol files only, they are not intended for
execution.  The same applies to the /usr/lib/debug/**.debug files; moreover
MiniDebugInfo file is generated from a /usr/lib/debug/**.debug file during

When you check ELF Executable and Linkable Format standard
Introduction - File Format: Linking View uses sections vs. Execution View uses
segments (=progam headers).

Debugging purposes use linking view.  This is also why /usr/lib/debug/**.debug
files do not have valid program headers and the same applies to MiniDebugInfo.

When looking at sections + ELF symbols addresses they all seem to be correct.

> My question is, is the table supposed to
> look like this and libunwind needs to be patched, or is it a bug?

Segments are irrelevant for symbols.

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