On Fri, 28 Jun 2013 19:44:22 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:

> There still seems to be an issue with the update descriptions that we
> present in PackageKit. A lot of people just write "update to version
> x.y.z" which is not great, but a whole lot better than some of the ones
> we've been seeing recently. For example, from two updates I got today:
> * "Not tested locally yet, I need to spin back up a Fedora 18 VM."
> * "Here is where you give an explanation of your update."

Somewhat glad you've opened a thread about it. Not sure it can be fixed
within bodhi. Whatever bodhi may implement to force people to enter
"Details", some people will cheat. Here's a hero:

  | You do not need to know what changed.
  | Fixes some bugs. Or maybe not.

  | !!!IMPORTANT! UPDATE IMMEDIATELY!1! This update adds a new package to 
Fedora 19.

  | This libcdr update updates the libcdr.

  | This is the latest shiniest LibreOffice. It is perfect--if you
  | experience any problem, it is on your side. This update was brought
  | to you by the Fedora LibreOffice team.

  | Seriously, if I tell you what this update does, where is the surprise?

  | I do have to write something here, do I?

  | I am bored... What if I submitted an update for something or other?

  | This is one of the strong, silent updates.

There are many more. Some are almost funny. I just hope we agree on
how to present Updates to the user community. No further comment.

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