On 07/01/2013 03:39 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
But for libraries that aren't bundled with the Go compiler, it looks
like the Go designers intended you to keep them in your home directory:


It's also expected that you keep around source code and recompile from source each time something in the dependency tree changes. There's no ABI stability whatsoever because internal implementation details (struct sizes and offsets, say) bubble up due to inlining.

This is of course not so great from a packaging/security/updates
point of view.


Thoughts on this? (especially from anyone who knows what they're
talking about, which is not necessarily me ...)

I wonder if something like common-lisp-controller is needed.

I have a small cgo library which I'd like to package for Fedora, so
this discussion is not entirely theoretical.

cgo is even more difficult because recompiling during installation is probably out of question. 8-(

Florian Weimer / Red Hat Product Security Team
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