On Mon, 15.07.13 15:34, Nicolas Mailhot (nicolas.mail...@laposte.net) wrote:

> Le Lun 15 juillet 2013 13:23, Lennart Poettering a écrit :
> > On Mon, 15.07.13 11:11, Miroslav Suchý (msu...@redhat.com) wrote:
> > Hence, the choice between "journal by default + syslog optional" and
> > "journal optional + syslog by default" does not exist. The choice
> > between "journal by default + syslog by default" and "journal by default
> > + syslog optional" however does.
> >
> > But anyway, I'd still like to hear the technical reasoning for the
> > opinion you expressed.
> IMHO it is way too early to switch of syslog, as systemd+syslog hosed
> systems a few weeks ago, so the reliability of the systemd parts is
> anything but proven so far. And I'm quite sure there are scores of nasty
> surprises to find yet. For example, systemd still does not like being
> updated by yum, and I'm pretty sure no one looked at the journal parts
> when that happens.

Any references to open bugs about this? 

systemd is fine being updated by yum, with some exceptions for major
updates between F18 and F19 for example, where you are supposed to use
fedup anyway...

Also, let's really not intermingle topics here...


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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