On Monday 15 July 2013 13:23:29 Lennart Poettering wrote:
> Hence, the choice between "journal by default + syslog optional" and
> "journal optional + syslog by default" does not exist. The choice
> between "journal by default + syslog by default" and "journal by default
> + syslog optional" however does.

I would choose "journal by default + syslog by default". In fact, I would 
rather have systemd write text fies... (if binary files are *needed* I would 
even dare to say that we should write the text version as well)

> But anyway, I'd still like to hear the technical reasoning for the
> opinion you expressed.

Technical reason? It's been already mentioned on this thread:

You can read text files with whatever reader you'd like (or even shell 
built-ins) rather than relying on a binary reader.

I've read the "Benefits to Fedora section" and I don't think they are 
significant enough to remove syslog from the default installation.

Just my two cents,


Marc Deop
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