Miloslav Trmač ( said: 
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Billy Crook <> wrote:
> > Please voice yourself at meetings in #fedora-devel if this is important to
> > you.
> (Speaking purely for myself and not for other FESCo members,) I do
> want to hear from Fedora contributors - but I'd much rather hear on
> the mailing list (where messages arrive over the course of a week or
> more) rather than during the FESCo meeting (when we have only a few
> minutes to agree on a decision, and already frequently have two or
> three parallel subconversations).

I agree with this statement.

In terms of this feature as presented, I'm not seeing why having $MTA in the
minimal install where you need the installer to have a required configury
step for it is a proper use of everyone's time that's installing it.
Enterprise administrators are almost certainly pushing out their own
configurations directly via puppet/chef/ansible/etc. Desktop users are
primarily doing it as part of their MUA setup, or just using webmail.

It's not as if the default MTA configuration, as I understand it (no smart
host, attempt to send all mail directly with the FQDN) is generally useful

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