On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 08:15:11AM +0930, Glen Turner wrote:
> Hi Lennart,
> I suppose someone should mention small flash-disk-only computers.
> There traditionally we fling syslog messages to the serial console or a LRU 
> buffer in RAM (often the dmesg buffer). The point is to avoid I/O on the 
> flash memory. Syslog daemons tend to do a lot of fsync-ed I/O, which just 
> chews up flash write cycles. With some configuration the syslog daemons can 
> be made to not to fsync, and with additional configuration to write to the 
> serial port or to the dmesg ring buffer.
> These small computers aren't specialised embedded systems anymore -- if you 
> buy a cheap ARM-based laptop then you are buying a such a system. Their 
> increasing popularity is very much the reason ARM is becoming a top-teir 
> architecture in Fedora. These systems are *cheap*, so they don't have the 
> write cycles of an expensive SSD.
> I'm not across journald at all. But the questions in my mind are:

I'm not Lennart, but I'll try to answer your questions:

> - Is is possible to run journald without writing to disk; that is: to serial 
> as text, or as binary to a ring buffer which can then by used by journalctl?
Yes, it's possible to keep journal completely in /run/ by setting
Storage=volatile or not creating /var/log/journal at all. See

> - When writing to disk does journald fsync, and if so can that be disabled by 
> a non-guru laptop user?
Yes, see SyncIntervalSec in journald.conf(5).

> - Is journalctl available from the dracut shell, so that we can get bug 
> reports for early system failures? There is a lot more variation in small 
> computers, and thus more early system failures.
Yes, dracut uses systemd and journald too.

> Thank you for making the binary format portable between computers. Allowing a 
> 32b ARM journal file to be displayed on a x86_64 desktop is very useful.
Yes, systemd should be completely portable between architectures.

they are not broken. they are refucktored
                           -- alxchk
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