On Jul 22, 2013, at 7:38 AM, Matthew Miller <mat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

>  * We need to be more than that


>  * Not widely used by RHEL users

RHEL and Fedora could hardly be more different from each other. It's not an 
apple vs orange, it's fruit fly vs tortoise. In some ways RHEL seems way too 
far behind Fedora. In other ways, Fedora seems to be too bleeding edge 
(primarily the lack of stabilization). There isn't an approach that's in 
between. I don't know how this is fixed because I'm not certain it's a problem.

>  * We're not seen as relevant...
>  * Let alone exciting

By whom? Personal opinion? The board? Fesco? The community? Phoronix? Depending 
on where this is coming from, a structural change may be indicated which in 
turn causes a change to the project's product. But asserting the need to 
directly change the product (i.e. the Fedora release itself) as a direct appeal 
to the community is curious.

Chris Murphy
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