Hello Georgi Valkov!
Welcome to the Fedora community!
- Chris

>>> Georgi Valkov <georgi.t.val...@gmail.com> 7/24/2013 5:19 PM >>>
Dear Community,

My name is Georgi Valkov and I'm a 26 year old FOSS user and enthusiast 
situated in Bulgaria. My last job was at Cisco, where I did build/release 
engineering and internal automation tools. After a year long break from work, 
I've decided to go back to school and earn myself a Master's Degree in 
Distributed Systems and Networks. 

My first package review request is for python-evdev [1], a Python binding to 
the Linux input subsystem (evdev and uinput):

   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=879740 (second comment)

Fedora is an amazing project and is of great use to me - I can only hope I'll 
be able to be of some use to it as well.


[1]: https://github.com/gvalkov/python-evdev

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