> Hi all.
> I'm editing .spec file of MUMPS package to conform it to the MPI
> packaging guidelines (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:MPI). I
> have a modest experience in this particular case so I need some
> suggestions.
> This is initial .spec file of MUMPS:
> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/MUMPS.git/tree/MUMPS.spec
> This is that adjusted according to the MPI packaging guidelines:
> http://sagitter.fedorapeople.org/MUMPS/MUMPS.mod.spec
> As you see, I have created the packages
> - - MUMPS-openmpi
> - - MUMPS-openmpi-devel
> - - MUMPS-common
> Upstream provides illustrative test programs showing how MUMPS can be
> used in examples/ directory; Can I package these programs in
> 'MUMPS-common' package ? They are located in dedicated directory in
> /usr/share.
> 'MUMPS-openmpi' contains all versioned libraries; I don't know if it's
> correct or the package must be named 'MUMPS-openmpi-libs'
> Should all .h files be in a '-headers' subpackage ?
> Now, they are 'MUMPS-openmpi-devel'.
> This phrase in MPI guidelines is little clear for me:
> "Software that supports MPI MUST be packaged also in serial mode [i.e.
> no MPI], if it is supported by upstream."
> What does mean "serial mode" ? :)

  MUMPS.mod.spec appears good. I would use the environment variables
($MPI_LIB and $MPI_INCLUDE) after module load mpi but the definitions
should be good enough.

  About what is "serial mode", you should refactor MUMPS.spec to also make
a build with openmpi disabled. Should do two builds in MUMPS.spec, and
install the build that does not need "module load mpi" to work installed in
%{_libdir}, and the one that needs, installed in $MPI_LIB

> - ----
> Antonio Trande

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