Greetings to everyone

My name is Simon (Arjuna), but i also listen to the name of my FAS account
In IRC i listen to the name seasc.

I'm a hobby coder more than half of my life and a computer enthusiast in
Not beeing a specialst for anything, i'm a generalist for everything.

I've been selfemployed 10 years ago as a Computersupporter for KMU/SMC,
later worked for an insurance and an international production company as
Senior VIP Supporter.

I love using Fedora as it matches (almost) my natural cycle of setting up
my computers with a fresh installation of an OS. About 2¼ years ago i've
joined the linux community dropping Windows usage to an absolute minimum,
Fedora hasnt disapointed me a bit! :)

This is the 3rd selfintroduction, as its the 3rd packagereview request,
thank you Mario Besser, but therefor i dont know what to write further, as
it feels like everything been said before.

Anyway, i'm happy to join and hope to learn alot along the way.
Have a nice day.

Simon A. Erat (sea)
FAS: sea
IRC: seasc
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