On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 02:26:55PM -0400, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> >2. FESCO-created working group to draft Fedora Base Design as called for
> >    in that proposal.
> Has fesco already created that working group if so who's on it?

No. The proposal is to create such a group, through calling for volunteers.

> Has fesco already created that working group if so who's on it?


> >* These products would be Fedora Workstation, Fedora Server, and Fedora
> >   Cloud (precise definitions to be developed), based around a common core
> For example what would be the default desktop in the "Fedora
> workstation" and why ?

We (community; FESCO, Board, SIGs, and Teams) will work to define a vision
for what Fedora needs, independent of upstream projects, and then work with
upstreams to best meet those needs.

> Would we be defaulting and or recommending one application over
> another in "Fedora server" for example openldap vs 389ds, kvm vs
> xen, postgresql vs mariadb if so why?

Ideally, we avoid tying ourselves down, but I think any such recommendations
would be based on the level of support we're able to give to those things,
and, again, how how they fit the goals we define.

> Given that the above proposal are not direct products of SIG's who's
> in control of what goes in and what goes out of the Fedora
> Workstation, Fedora Server, and Fedora Cloud and their target
> audience ?

I think it's reasonable to have more formally-structured Fedora teams for
each of these things. What do you think?

> As I see it the above part of the proposal only splits the "default"
> product into three different "products" without actually solving
> anything.

These particular suggestions came from looking at some of the different
requirements the project has overall, and concluding that no single default
really addresses them well, but that these three areas cover important
areas, each worth investing resources in.

> Since I dont see how that you propose addresses and or solves any of
> the issues we are faced with I argue the way forward for us should
> be that Fedora "products" are the results/publication of each
> sub-community but not creation of whom releng/fesco/board specific
> Fedora individual or as an whole Fedora Workstation, Fedora Server,
> and Fedora Cloud SIG?

Can you rephrase this? I'm not sure I understand. If you can articulate what
you mean by "issues we are faced with", that would help, too.

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
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