On Wed, Dec 04, 2013 at 07:18:31AM -0500, Bohuslav Kabrda wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Dne 4.12.2013 12:37, Bohuslav Kabrda napsal(a):
> > > (tkinter is actually a subpackage of python itself)
> > 
> > I guess you know what I mean here, but to be clear:
> > 
> > tkinter is only an example, we got more, like pyserial, PyYAML...
> Oh, I see. Some time ago, FPC has accepted a change that says, that packages 
> with "py" in name should be prefixed with "python-" anyway [1]. Since this 
> only applies to newly created packages, we will have to cope with this, 
> unfortunately. So my idea of handling this would be:
> - all packages must have Provides: python-*
> - packages that weren't prefixed with "python-" previously (pyserial, 
> PyYAML), should also carry an explicit Provides/Obsoletes for the old name.
> Sounds good?
I would remove that first bullet point.  The point of the Provides and
Obsoletes is to provide backwards compatibility.  If there's no previous
python-* there's no need to take up that name in the namespace.

> > Other thing:
> > 
> > What about apps? Do we want something in the guidelines that would say:
> > 
> >     If the app clearly works with both Python 2 and Python 3,
> >     then the Fedora package is obligated to use Python 3 instead
> >     of Python 2.
> > 
> >     If however the app only works with one of them, obviously,
> >     Fedora package uses and requires that one.
> > 
> > Or do we keep that on the packager's decision?
> Toshio already proposed a guidelines solution for this [2], but now that
> I look at it, it seems that it never got proposed to FPC. Toshio, will you
> propose that or should I? I guess we can do this regardless of the change
> I'm proposing now.
> [2] 
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/python-devel/2013-November/000528.html
Please do.  I haven't got a whole lot of time these days :-(


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