WG meeting will be at 12:00 UTC, 14:00 Central Europe, 8:00 Boston, 5:00 San Francisco, 21:00 Tokyo in #fedora-meeting on Freenode.

I hope time make sense. Otherwise please comment the thread about meeting time.

== Topic ==
* Automatically approve topics, which weren't refused on mailing list:
 * Open Questions - Playground: Signing
 * Open Questions - Playground: Provenpackagers
* Approve on list or irc:
 * Open Questions - distinguish packages
  * Does my proposal passed or not?
* Proposal: Do not try to distinguish them. Rpmfusion packages also don't have different dist tag. You can find out if really want to by rpm -something or check key, which will be also different.
 * Open Questions - Playground: reviews
  * Are conflicts inside Playground repository allowed?
  * How many other checks do we want to have?
* 1 Big repo vs multiple small ones - finally decide which one to pick
* finish change proposal https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Env_and_Stacks/Changes_Drafts/Playground_repository

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