On Thu, 2014-04-10 at 12:05 -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> James Antill (ja...@fedoraproject.org) said: 
> >  Not that I assume splitting lanauges and docs. into sub packages would
> > triple primary numbers, but if it did ... that would be bad.
> To put it in perspective, if we split out 'langpacks' for apps per language,
> something like gedit then grows *100* new subpackages.

 FWIW here is some data (For x86_64):

Ver | pkgs. num. | pkgs. size | primary size
 10 | 14,303     |  16 G      |  8.2M
 11 | 16,577     |  20 G      | 11M
 12 | 19,122     |  17 G      | 12M
 13 | 20,840     |  20 G      | 13M
 14 | 22,161     |  22 G      | 14M
 15 | 24,085     |  23 G      | 14M
 16 | 25,098     |  25 G      | 15M
 17 | 27,033     |  27 G      | 15M
 18 | 33,868     |  33 G      | 18M
 19 | 36,253     |  36 G      | 18M
 20 | 38,561     |  38 G      | 19M

...which gives about 500-600 bytes of primary per. package. Doing the
same thing for updates gives:

Ver | pkgs. num. | pkgs. size | primary size
 10 |  9,024     |  11 G      |  6M
 11 | 10,066     |  13 G      |  6.6M
 12 |  9,645     |  12 G      |  6.4M
 13 |  9,655     |  12 G      |  6.5M
 14 |  9,982     |  13 G      |  6.8M
 15 | 10,214     |  13 G      |  7.1M
 16 | 11,055     |  15 G      |  7.6M
 17 | 13,163     |  18 G      |  8.4M
 18 | 18,606     |  20 G      | 12M

...which is a bit more at about 650 bytes per. package, probably due to
compression not working as well with small numbers of packages.

 So to do some math with F20:

 "in @^minimal-environment" gives me 218 packages, so adding an extra
docs package to just those is ~120k in release primary MD
 "in @^web-server-environment" (which requires filelists to resolve,
nice) is 524 packages so you are at ~300k
 "in @^gnome-desktop-environment" is 1,265 packages and you are at

...if you added 100x the packages to even the first though, it would
obviously be pretty bad.

 Stats. generating using:


for num in $(seq 10 20); do
yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=$repo repoinfo $repo --releasever=$num | \
  egrep -- '-(name|pkg|size)'
( cd /var/cache/yum/x86_64/$num/$repo; ls --size -h *primary* )

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