On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 05:05:24AM -0400, Christian Schaller wrote:
> As a sidenote, there has been a lot of discussions on this an other Fedora 
> lists
> over the last few Months where people have loudly come out against what they 
> see
> as infringements on the Freedom part of the four F's. Having seen this thread 
> I 
> am disappointed to see that nobody has come out in defense of the Friends 
> part 
> of the four F's, because the language and tone used by some people on this 
> thread
> has been beyond pale, accusing the other participants in the thread of 
> stupidity,
> incompetence and general maliciousness. If this doesn't change maybe the time 
> has come 
> for a board ticket to change that F from Friends to Flames?

Funny -- I just posted something in defense of Friends a minute before I
read this. Yes, this definitely needs more emphasis from everyone, please.
That includes taking the "be excellent to each other" communication
guideline seriously, and everyone recognizing that the end goals are the
same even if we disagree about how to get there -- people emphasizing
freedom *also* want the system to be welcoming and easy to use, and people
emphasizing features *also* want free software to win over closed source.

As Josh has said a number of times recently, the internet is horrible for
actually communicating. Refraining from actively nasty language is obviously
the baseline, but also, take time to think about where the person you're
talking to is really coming from, and where we can find common ground.

Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
                                  "Tepid change for the somewhat better!"
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