On 2014-05-07 21:09 (GMT+1000) Peter Hutterer composed:

>Section "InputClass"
>      Identifier      "Keyboard Defaults"
>      MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
>      Option          "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

fwiw (only answering one email) this is what systemd-localed should drop
into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf, with configuration based on
whatever language settings you picked. so you shouldn't need this section.

An F21 boot to multiuser, delete of 00-keyboard.conf, and then startx leaves /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ void of 00-keyboard.conf, so apparently systemd-localed currently drops nothing at all there.

Turns out DontZap works with either false or off, but the difference

the option parser in X is entertaining. "no", "off", "false", and "0" all
work to disable, and so does prefixing the option with "No". So Option
"NoDontZap" "off" is valid, just don't expect anyone to understand a
triple-negation :) you can also sprinkle random whitespaces or underscores
in there, in case you have too many of them.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/
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